Sunday, November 22, 2009

Filipino named CNN Heroes 2009

Efren Peñaflorida, who started a "pushcart classroom" in the Philippines to bring education to poor children as an alternative to gang membership, has been named the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year.

The gala event, taped before an audience of 3,000 at the Kodak Theatre, premieres on Thanksgiving, November 26, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on the global networks of CNN.

Peñaflorida, who will receive $100,000 to continue his work with the Dynamic Teen Company, was selected after seven weeks of online voting at More than 2.75 million votes were cast.

More Here in CNN News

Westwood wins Race to Dubai Golf Championship

Dubai - Westwood saved his best to the final round as he shot a course-record eight-under 64 for a four round total of 23-under 265.

It earned him $1.25 million to overtake Rory McIlroy in the Race to Dubai, winning a bonus prize of $1.5 million.

"This is definitely the biggest moment of my career today," he said.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto Results Manny wins

Las Vegas November 14, 2009,Fire Power - Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto fight of the year.

Manny in red -white trunks.
Miguel Cotto in white- red trunks.

Round 1 - matching their power.

Round 2 - both fighter give one of thier best but manny dominate the round.

Round 3 - miguel given a count by referee for kneeling the canvas but manny round again.

Round 4 - miguel on the canvas again with less than a minute left on the round.

Round 5 - one upper cut was recieved by manny from miguel but on the last 10 seconds of the round manny give more punch.

Round 6 - cut from the face of miguel start to funish miguel.

Round 9- more blood come out from the face of cotto.

Round 10 - more punch from manny and more blood from miguel.

Round 11 - miguel use the ring to escape manny.

Round 12 - referee stops the round wiht 2 minutes left -manny wins the fight... TKO...

Congratulation.... Mabuhay ang mga Pinoy....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Comments on Yahoo about World Series of Poker

21-year-old becomes youngest WSOP champion ever
By OSKAR GARCIA, Associated Press Writer

Image from Yahoo

LAS VEGAS (AP)—A 21-year-old Michigan poker professional who chose cards over college won the World Series of Poker main event in Las Vegas early Tuesday, winning $8.55 million and becoming the youngest player to win the tournament in its 40-year history.

Joe Cada of Shelby Township, Mich., turned over a pair of nines early after 46-year old Darvin Moon called his all-in wager with a suited queen-jack, setting up an about-even race for most of the chips on the table.

But a board of two sevens, a king, an eight and a deuce didn’t connect with either player’s cards and gave Cada the win.

This was the Headline I saw and read when I open my yahoo page. I am not a fans of poker games but got interest to read this post and to come up in the comments section of this news Booooom... Some angry guy posted their comments.... According to them Yahoo ruin their night and inconsiderate by posting this.

To share it, here are some...

  1. 563. Posted by Rodney Tue Nov 10 9:05am EST
    No one ran a story telling the end of the "Sixth Sense" when it came out.
    No one ran a story telling the end of "Seven" when it came out.
    There are many movies that weren't spoiled for the masses. They were at least given a weekend or two go see the movie at the theater.
    Why do you (and USA Today and other sites) feel the need to spoil the ending of this event? The event is about the journey as much as the outcome.
    You may say it is news. But there is no need to put the winners picture on the front of the website. The picture and the title of the story could easily have been 'spoiler-proof'ed. I put in the four months watching all of the episodes. But since I needed to check my e-mail I was force-fed the result with no choice.After fifteen years, I have to look in to getting a gmail account, now

  2. dsburton_1999" class="userIcon" width="24" height="24">
    553. Posted by dsburton_1999 Tue Nov 10 9:04am EST
    You freakin' moron who put up this story! This hasn't aired yet, and I was looking forward to watching it! Now, it's ruined! I'm immediately changed my homepage OFF of yahoo FOREVER! I've got to call my dad and warn him before he goes on the computer, as yahoo is his homepage, as well. AAAAARRGGGHHH! You stupid moron!
  3. 560. Posted by bigbootyg13 Tue Nov 10 9:05am EST
    first an for most CONGRATS!! God send u a Blessing to u and your family. now for everyone else plz stop asking for money you all know he is not going to give u &$#@.
  4. 552. Posted by swiftness Tue Nov 10 9:04am EST
    Nice spoiler. As you can probably tell by all the other comments, Yahoo, the episode doesn't air until tonight on ESPN. I've been watching every episode and was excited to watch this tonight. The first thing I see when I open is the youngest champ ever with a picture of Cada. You ruined my night. @#$% You

  5. 1011. Posted by KevinW Tue Nov 10 10:19am EST
    Yahoo = FAIL. Thanks Yahoo for posting this on the homepage BEFORE it is aired on ESPN tonight. I'm changing all of my PC homepages to BING.
  6. pokerrock
    1010. Posted by pokerrock Tue Nov 10 10:19am EST
    i think the WSOP screwed up on this one big time ,last years was live they started this years final table and heads up early.
  7. 2ztubes
    1009. Posted by 2ztubes Tue Nov 10 10:19am EST
    YAHOO SUCKS! Thanks a lot Yahoo I had my tivo set to record this on ESPN tonight. I guess anytime I want to watch something on TV I should avoid yahoo that day.

  8. 1008. Posted by Terriona Tue Nov 10 10:18am EST
    WTF the show Havent Even came on and like yall are trying yall best to be the first web site to post this .........come on.... so sos so sos so but goood 2 that 21 year old who won .... i guess now that i dont have to watch teh show........this Is terri Signing OUT

  9. 1007. Posted by erray y Tue Nov 10 10:18am EST
    Yesssssssssss joe i told u man i picked u to win it alll . joooooeeee uuu daaa mannnn.. i put a good amount of dough on my online account and made some nice dough... he was plus 900 to win. knew it.. joe u a gangsta.... yeaaaa boiiii...

  10. 1006. Posted by RolandF Tue Nov 10 10:18am EST
    Yahoo suck!

  11. 1005. Posted by Bob Tue Nov 10 10:18am EST
    I understand both sides of the argument, the stop whining remarks as well as those who feel the suspense has been ruined. I know that we are an instant gratificaiton world now, and the internet brings us up to the minute news, but c'mon. This sucks. Why watch it now? It ruins my TV watching for one night. I know, boo hoo, right? But seriously, this was not cool at all IMO.

  12. 1004. Posted by esther1 Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    Hey love the poker tourneys. Glad to know who won. Watch it all the time.Good work yahoo. Will watch this one to. Thank You

  13. 1003. Posted by hair ball Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    haha get a life you bitc@#s

  14. 1002. Posted by Chris Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    you suck d@#$ yahoo and your home pag sucks to what the f%#$ were you thinking we like the other won and thatnks for taleing me who the f@!@# is going to win i wonted to watch the sho you @#$%s

  15. 1001. Posted by Duane K Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    thanks for ruining tonights viewing

  16. 1000. Posted by OldirtyQue Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    WOW I still watch the past WSOP events time and time again. I will still watch the November 9 more times than one. So stop whinning and crying in your Beer.

  17. 999. Posted by naeem_k_p66 Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    great job but i can't believe it.

  18. 998. Posted by Lydia Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    I am glad for the young man, and hope he continue having good luck. All of you complainers about who let it out who won; what difference does it make. I want to know how to get in that tournament.

  19. 997. Posted by tammy.mccreary Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    I was so disappointed when ESPN started running the Final Nine promos saying that Phil Ivey would be there, because they had not aired the show yet, but then I was really ticked off to learn yesterday that it was down to the final two and he wasn't one of them. Now I know the winner and all the iwnd has been taking out of my sail. I would like to learn who the winners are by watching the game. Silly me. For all sports fans knowing the ending score ahead of time does take away from the game.

  20. 996. Posted by Mehari Tue Nov 10 10:17am EST
    congratulation and what will you do by all of this monye pleas pleas ................give me some if you are intersested i will give you my account no keep in touch

  21. 995. Posted by ali_nikki_99 Tue Nov 10 10:16am EST
    How pathetic of people to complain about the show being ruined because they know the outcome. Really? I didn't realize poker was such a spectator sport. Get a life!

  22. 994. Posted by Doctor Pepper Tue Nov 10 10:16am EST
    idiots. it's on tv tonight why would you do this. guess i can skip it now

  23. 993. Posted by Party_gurl_0000 Tue Nov 10 10:15am EST
    I cant believe all you ass's out there.. someone is out there trying to be sure that you all are up to date on the latest news and you wine about it! omfg for real? so um what happens if tonight something happened to your tv and you missed the end of the show? huh? oh that's ok b/c i read it on yahoo a few hours ago...but hey it was nice to see everything that they didnt mention in the report! grow up and be thankful you dumbass's for real. do you not have anything better to do then sit there and blame someone when they were just doing what was right?

  24. 992. Posted by patrickmeehan26 Tue Nov 10 10:15am EST
    yes this is ridiculously frustratin for people who follow the show to have it spoiled like this. ive been trying to avoid seeing the new bluff magazine cuz they show the winner on the cover before espn airs the final episode as well. now i don't even feel like watching. and all u people who are sticking up for yahoo obviously are not following the wsop show so u don't know how annoying it is to have it spoiled. shut your mouths

  25. 991. Posted by Steve D Tue Nov 10 10:15am EST
    Thanks A lot Yahoo! you could have at least had a link to it instead of spoiling the winner As@#$%^

  26. 990. Posted by Gladimus Prime Tue Nov 10 10:15am EST
    Yahoo...telling everyone who won is quite busch league...don't you think? I don't care if its an AP story...put a graphic up and let the visitors choose if they want to read who wins!

  27. 989. Posted by taztenderheart2 Tue Nov 10 10:15am EST
    I was looking forward to watching it on tv. My sister was recording it for me because I have class. I'm so glad you had to go and ruin it for me.

Click Here: Full Story of the WSOP and Comments

DSF 2010 opening date announced

The DSF Office has announced dates for the 2010 edition of Dubai Shopping Festival. DSF 2010 will begin on January 28 and go on till February 28, Dubai Summer Surprises 2010 will be held from June 17 to August 7.

More updates to come...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Dubai Airshow 2009

Running from 15 to 19 November 2009 at the Dubai Airport Expo, Dubai Airshow is the foremost aerospace event in the Middle East and the fastest-growing in the world.

Dubai Airshow is organised by F&E Aerospace, in conjunction with Dubai Airports, the Government of Dubai and in collaboration with the UAE Armed Forces.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Oil Price at $80

Oil prices climbed above 80 dollars a barrel on Friday Nov. 6, 2009 as traders looked ahead to employment data in the United States, the world's biggest energy consuming nation.

Analysts said data from the US Department of Energy (DoE) showing an unexpected drop in crude stockpiles last week was not enough to buoy the oil market.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Black Eyed Peas - I Got a Feeling - at Oprah's Kickoff Party

Just Watch this video of Black Eyed Peas singing their new song " I Got a Feeling". Pleased watch the Lady in Blue on the very first part of the video...

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Formula One Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Winner in Yas Marina Circuit

November 1, 2009 Abu Dhabi UAE, German Sebastian Vettel etched his name as knight of the night at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Hamilton retired in the 20th lap of the 55-lap race in one of the most spectacular racing venues in the world due to a brake problem.

Image courtesy of

Race result after 55 laps:

1 S.Vettel Red Bull 1:34:03.414
2 M.Webber Red Bull +17.857
3 J.Button Brawn GP +18.467
4 R.Barrichello Brawn GP +22.735
5 N.Heidfeld BMW Sauber +26.253
6 K. Kobayashi Toyota +28.343
7 J.Trulli Toyota +34.366
8 S.Buemi Toro Rosso +41.294
9 N.Rosberg Williams +45.941
10 R.Kubica BMW Sauber +48.180
11 H.Kovalainen McLaren +52.798
12 K.Raikkonen Ferrari +54.317
13 K.Nakajima Williams +59.839
14 F.Alonso Renault +69.687
15 V.Liuzzi Force India +94.450
16 G.Fisichella Ferrari +1 LAP
17 A.Sutil Force India +1 LAP
18 R. Grosjean Renault +1 LAP
J.Alguersuari Toro Rosso Retired
L.Hamilton McLaren Retired

F1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi Yas Marina

Today November 1, 2009 is the final race for the first Abu Dhabi Yas Marina F1 Grand Prix circuit. To find who is the faster driver in Formula one and to set the first fastest lap record in the new build F1 circuit.

List of the current Top Five :

No Driver Name Team Name Points
4 Mark Webber (AUS) Red Bull 61.5
5 Lewis Hamilton (GBR) McLaren 49

Note: Standing courtesy of

The Yas Marina Circuit:

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